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2022-07-07 07:23:27


uncle gary



就在这是i heard a knock on the door  And surprised to see uncle gary standing on the front steps.

 He is my father's younger brother but dad is not happy to see him. There are too many reasons

1. He has the bad track record when it comes to paying people back  . dad was one of them

2. He has never held down a job for more than a few days

 Dad wants uncle Gary to get a job like he has ,when you work in an office and have regular hours But I didn't think uncle gary is cut out for an office job and I AM not so sure I AM 

 Dress up every day in a shirt and tie and has to wear dress shoes and dress socks too

but mom told dad he should do something because Gary is his brother and family members should always help each other out so they let uncle moving their house and live with them.

