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2022-10-23 11:19:39


Beyond English


所谓的全勤主义 Presenteeism 背后实际上是一种被动的妥协,以自己身心健康为代价,最终换来的是考勤表上那齐整整的对钩儿。



 Mind Map







Business | Bartleby

It is becoming harder to take off a sick day

That isn't good for anyone

【Para1】If you have a high temperature or are recovering from heart surgery, it is difficult to use machine tools. And if you are having a nervous breakdown, machine tools are best avoided. Sick days are the remedy. They are meant to prevent people from hurting themselves, their co-workers, customers or passers-by on the job. Working from home has flipped this logic on its head. If you can work from the kitchen table, today's hybrid workers increasingly conclude, then why not from bed—so long as the brain is on and the Zoom camera off?

  • 标题 take off a sick day 请病假

  • machine tool 机床

  • have a nervous breakdown 精神失常

  • xx is the remedy. = xx is the solution. = xx is the cure. xx是解决办法/良药

  • xx flip xx on its head. = xx turn xx on its head. = xx turn xx upside down xx颠覆了xx,xx彻底改变了xx。想到了之前背过的一个句子,疫情彻底改变了我们的世界 Given that covid-19 has virtually turned the world upside down, it is naive to believe that it will go back to normal soon.

  • hybrid workers 混合工作者,这里所说的混合是指线上线下混合办公

  • the brain on←→the camera off 一个 on 一个 off,彼此相对,而且有一种把人当机器的感觉,仿佛只要 Press the button and your brain is on. Then you can start running for all day.

【Para2】The work-from-home revolution has raised the bar for what counts as being sick. At the height of the pandemic people worked from home even with nasty symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath or nausea. Many still do. Nicholas Bloom of Stanford University has been tracking work-from-home habits since before the corona-crisis popularised them. In a recent working paper he presents the results of a randomised controlled trial at a large Chinese multinational company, where sick days fell by 12% for employees working from home two days a week relative to those coming in full time.

  • xx raise the bar for xx xx使得xx的门槛/标准变高了,原文是想表达居家办公使得请病假的门槛变高了,也就是居家办公使得请病假更难了。bar 是门闩,要想进得门去,须得先将门闩取下,门闩既是开门需要达到的标准/门槛要求,也是阻碍开门的障碍物。

  • count as 算作是

  • at the height of xx 在xx的顶点/高潮,at the height of the pandemic 在疫情最严重的时候,at the height of the tourist season 在旅游旺季,at the height of your success 在你最成功的时候,at the height of your power 在你最有权势的时候

  • popularise them = popularise work-from-home habits

  • relative to xx 与xx相对而言,就xx而言。relative 原本是形容词,但是 relative to 通常会起到状语的作用。原文中 relative to those coming in full time 相比于那些一周全在公司上班的职工来说。

【Para3】Your columnist, a guest Bartleby, can sympathise. In the past, while convalescing, she had no qualms about wrapping herself in a blanket with a hot toddy, toast and some tissues. When she got covid-19 early this summer, by contrast, she kept going with her phone and laptop sunk in the duvet. Her managers strongly urged that her work should be passed on to a colleague. For her, this was unthinkable, at least until she almost passed out.

  • sympathise 可以理解为“感同身受”

  • have no qualms about xx 毫不担心xx,对xx并无一丝不安,对xx没有任何顾虑,qualms = a feeling of slight worry or doubt because you are not sure that what you are doing is right

  • duvet 羽绒被,注意发音 /ˈduːveɪ, ˈdjuː- $ duːˈveɪ/

  • pass out = become unconscious

【Para4】To be in bed not doing anything connotes not only physical discomfort but also cognitive impairment. Salaried workers, who are often evaluated on the basis of their input rather than output, find it hard to say they are off the game for a few days now that they don't need to worry about spreading germs in the office. For high-achievers, putting in the hours is not a chore but a way of life. Unplanned breaks are antithetical to the pervasive anxiety to perform. As recession looms and puts future job security into question, showing yourself to be useful becomes even more important. Hybrid-work etiquette is fluid and many companies have yet to update their sick-leave rules for the new era.

  • salaried workers←→high-achievers

  • chore = a boring, unpleasant task,或许可以译为“苦差事”,有可能是 a task that you do regularly,但是感情色彩上是不喜欢的。比如我们常说的 household/domestic chores 家务活儿;再比如机械打工人,套用文章中的话 For salaried workers, they may take the daily work as a chore. 再比如对于不喜欢英语的人 For those who don't like English, they may see English learning as an unavoidable chore.

  • Unplanned breaks are antithetical to the pervasive anxiety to perform. 这句话读的时候一开始感觉没有很好地理解到位,所以记录一下。be antithetical to = be opposite to xx 与xx相对,不相容。这句话是想表达计划外的休息与普遍表现出的焦虑是不相容的,也就是说在普遍焦虑的社会,请假显得格格不入,好像请假是一件错事,就好像大家都这么卷,你怎么能请假呢?再加上后文对于未来工作不确定的担忧和焦虑进一步展开,就知道请假所面临的的心理压力了。

【Para5】Though all this is understandable, it is also troubling. Tapping away at a laptop and smartphone from the discomfort of a sick person's bedroom is not as dangerous as driving a forklift. It nevertheless carries risks—both for the ill-disposed individual and their employer. And it isn't just covid, whose common symptoms include brain fog. Any bug brings fatigue.

  • xx is not dangerous as xx. It nevertheless carries risks. xx虽然没有xx那么危险,但是它也是有风险的。可以调整形容词来套用句式,比如 This phone is not functional as iPhone. It nevertheless has its own advantages. It has a longer battery life and can be charged up faster. 再比如 The salary of this job is not tempting as the former one. It nevertheless has its own attractions. It requires creativity and I don't have to put in hours doing chores.

  • tap away 连续敲击,away 有一直,持续不断的意思

  • forklift 叉车,fork 叉子,lift 举起,原谅我想到了自己家的叉车,然后我找到了自己坐在叉车上的如风一般的女子的照片,哈哈哈~这就是自己学习的乐趣,你可以随心产生任何你想产生的联想!

  • brain fog 脑子雾蒙蒙的,那种脑子蒙蒙的状态

  • Any bug brings fatigue. 任何小病小痛的都会带来疲劳。bug 除了熟知的计算机程序所指的漏洞之外,还可以指小的病痛,生病这就像是我们的人体出了 bug 一样。

【Para6】Being even mildly sick can impair brain function as much as high altitude, whose effect can feel like a bad hangover. It is difficult to exercise proper judgment if one cannot focus on the task at hand. It is why people with lower oxygen concentration sometimes remove protective clothes atop Mount Everest; some freeze to death. Firing off emails while feeling dizzy and depleted will put the body under further stress and also risk being incoherent. Soldiering on may make the employee both sicker and less productive for longer. Digital presenteeism, for that is what such persisting amounts to, is in no one's interest.

  • high altitude 这里是说 high altitude effect 高原反应,结合原文是想表达哪怕是轻微的不适也会像高原反应一样对人的大脑功能产生损伤。

  • hangover 宿醉,主要是指宿醉后的后遗症,比如 headache等不适症状,have a bad/terrible hangover 宿醉反应很强烈/很难受。

  • exercise proper judgment 关注 exercise 的使用

  • atop 介词 = at the top of

  • fire off 奋笔疾书,write/say sth very quickly, usually because you are angry,fire off a letter of complaint

  • incoherent a.条理不清的,语无伦次的

  • soldier on = continue to do sth in site of difficulties 硬挺着

  • presenteeism /ˌprezənˈtiːɪzəm/ 全勤主义,哪怕是不舒服我也要 soldier on;与之相对的 absenteeism /ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm/ 缺勤主义,总是无缘无故缺勤

  • for that is what such persisting amounts to 这样的坚持/硬撑所换来的全勤主义,amount to 相当于,就是,等于

【Para7】Resisting it is therefore important. You don't need to have had a blood transfusion or liver transplant to feel that you have earned a bit of time off. Sleeping soundly can restore body and spirit. Staring at the ceiling gives you time to take stock of your harried life. Do not worry about being judged to be shirking. True laziness cannot be disguised—if someone is malingering, chances are that their bosses already know.

  • restore 让我联想到之前查《琅琊榜》英文版的时候学到的句子 He restored his family's innocence.

  • take stock of your harried life 反思/思考繁杂的人生,take 有量取、测定数量的意思,相当于 measure,take stock of life 有一种要盘点下生活库存的意思,盘一盘理一理过去发生的事情;harried life 可以理解为繁忙的人生/生活,主要是指生活中不断有麻烦,不断有不顺意。

  • shirk = to avoid doing sth you should do because you are lazy 躲懒

  • malinger = to avoid work by pretending to be ill 装病

  • chances are that xx = it is likely that xx

【Para8】In the world of flexible working, managers can lead by example, taking the occasional day off when suffering from a cold. Why not use it as an opportunity to delegate tasks? This tends to build trust in a team and helps appraise subordinates' strengths and weaknesses.

  • lead by example 起带头作用,打个样儿

  • delegate tasks 分派任务,尤指权力/任务下放

  • appraise = evaluate

  • subordinate = underling 下属

【Para9】The dust will eventually settle on work habits in the hybrid era. When it comes to illness, they will hopefully settle somewhere close to where they were in pre-covid days. Being sick is part of the human condition. It is not going away. Nor should sick days. Bartleby remembers lying on the sofa recovering from a stomach bug in New York 17 years ago, undisturbed by colleagues and untroubled by thoughts of work. The next time she is ailing, she will not be on Slack. Instead, she will listen to her managers and sign off.

  • 尘埃落定 The dust will eventually settle. / Let the dust settle. / Wait for the dust to settle.

  • ailing = ill

  • Slack 一款面向企业的即时通讯应用 App,类似钉钉吧。

  • sign off 结束工作,to quit doing what one has been doing and leave, go to bed, quit trying to do something, etc。比如播客节目结束的时候,sign off by playing a beautiful song;比如给家人打电话的时候,最后挂电话时候可以 sign off with the catch-phrase 'Love you.';比如写英语邮件最后收尾的时候,sign off with 'Yours sincerely, Shanna.' '' 中的部分 Yours sincerely, Shanna. 可以称之为 sign-off

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