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2022-10-24 23:20:07


 Beyond English


每个人的生活都是不同的,我们也很难去复制别人的生活。It is very hard for us to replicate/copy the experiences of others.


Mind Map


Top 3 Expressions

挑选自己最想记住的 3 个表达

1 worth xx's salt

2 新鞋通常会夹脚

3 能不能在表达观点的时候不要那么极端,不然也太伤人了。



Business | Bartleby

When bosses walk in employees' shoes

It is hard for managers to understand what life is like for staff. But not impossible

Any manager worth their salt knows the value of spending time "walking in their customers' shoes". There are many ways to do it. You can observe customers in their natural habitat. Pernod Ricard's boss recently told Bloomberg, a news service, about his habit of bar-hopping in order to see what people want to drink. Such research is a lot less fun if your company makes soap dispensers for public toilets but the same principle applies.

  • worth xx's salt xx够格,xx值得信赖。盐在古罗马时期是极其珍贵的,而且在那个时候,盐是可以作为货币使用,甚至在军队里盐可以作为军饷。worth your's salt = worth your's pay 你当得起给你发的盐,接地气一点儿,你当得起给你发的工资,也就是你够格,你能胜任,你值得信赖。在使用的时候要注意下代词到底是谁。现学现用啦!还可以说 Huanke worth its salt!

You can be a customer yourself, buying your company's products, ringing your own helplines and enduring the same teeth-grinding muzak. Or you can hear from your customers directly. Jeremy Hunt, who has just been appointed Britain's finance minister but was once its longest-serving health secretary,d each day in that job by reading a letter of complaint from a patient or their family, and writing back to each correspondent personally. If you cancel one internal meeting a week and use that time to hear from customers instead, you will come out ahead on the trade.

This idea does not apply only to customers. It can also be useful inside the organisation. Walking in employees' shoes is a way for bosses to understand what impedes productivity, what saps morale and what makes workers feel valued. A sense of affinity can come from living in the same community as other members of staff. Recent research found that ceos in Denmark who lived within 5km of their offices seemed to foster better work environments than those who lived farther away. But short of moving house, how else can managers get inside workers' heads?

  • impede 之前见过名词绊脚石啦 impedement

  • sap = weaken

  • sap morale 削弱士气 morale /məˈrɑːl $ məˈræl/

  • a sense of affinity 亲近感,亲切感

  • short of doing xx=without doing xx

Even if a boss genuinely wants to hear the unvarnished truth, employees may not be comfortable delivering it. Anonymous surveys can help encourage honesty, as can exit interviews, but even in these settings, workers may temper their viewsReviews on sites like Glassdoor can be brutal, but the motives of the people posting them are not always transparent. Corporate-messaging apps like Slack can provide a partial window into how some teams are getting on, but surveillance is not a form of empathy. And none of this is the same as knowing what it is actually like to be an employee.

  • unvarnished truth 赤裸裸的真相

  • as can exit interviews 倒装,正如离职面谈一样(can help encourage honesty)

  • temper their views 缓和其观点,找不到合适的语言啦,也就是让观点不那么极端,语言上柔和一点儿,比如“不好”转为“额,还行吧”

  • brutal 伤人的,不顾他人感受的,想到了网络上那些伤人的言论 brutal reviews

  • Glassdoor 是一个网络平台,该平台上允许前任员工和现任员工对所在企业进行匿名评价。很喜欢作者在说 Glassdoor 时候的观点,评论确实是公开透明的,但是评论背后的居心确实不透明的。

It is very hard for managers to replicate the experiences of normal employees. Rooms will magically become available if the boss asks for one; everyone else has to roam around the building like wildebeest that have become separated from the herd. Managers do not have to remind people of their names. They are less likely to suffer some of the common feelings that undermine workers' enthusiasm for their jobs: rare is the boss who feels overlooked or underappreciated. And they are also much less likely than employees to encounter incivility from colleagues.

  • It is very hard for us to replicate the experiences of others. 我们很难复制他人的经历,也很难真正的感同身受。

  • roam around = wander around

  • underappreciated 怀才不遇的,不被赏识的

One option is to appear on "Undercover Boss", an entertaining reality-tvshow in which executives put on preposterous disguises, work in their own organisations and discover what life is really like for their workers. If you go down this route you will learn a lot, but you will have to admit to an audience of millions that you have absolutely no idea what is going on in your own organisation. (A less involved option is not to bother with the cameras and to wear your own home-made disguise in the office, though there is a risk your moustache will fall off at a pivotal moment.)

Even without disguises it is good for managers to spend time doing the same work as their underlings. (It is also good for them to stop referring to people as underlings.) Airlines and retailers have run schemes that involve executives working in front-line roles in airports and on shopfloors. DoorDash, a delivery app, has a programme called WeDash that requires salaried employees to make regular drop-offs. And bosses can do things for themselves that people without assistants must navigate alone. Filling out expense forms is a chore: everyone should have to do their own, at least occasionally. By default bosses should fly in the same airline class as their colleagues do. And so on.

  • make regular drop-offs 定期送货,drop-off 货物运送

  • xx is a chore 又见到 chore 啦!!!For high-achievers, putting in the hours is not a chore but a way of life.

  • by default 默认情况下,默认地

If managers can learn a few things by walking in employees' shoes, there is also value in workers thinking about what life is like as a boss. It is not all business-class travel and people agreeing with you. Imagine getting in a lift and conversation around you always dying. Imagine being grumbled about all the time, or knowing that your absence causes a general lightening of the mood. Imagine not being able to kick a difficult decision upstairs. The boss wears much nicer shoes but they can still pinch.

  • kick a difficult decision upstairs 把困难的决定踢给上级

  • pinch (鞋)夹脚
