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[打卡]阅读打卡第9天- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fxxx!

2021-09-02 11:45:35

Book Title: The subtle art of not giving a fxxx

Progress: pg. 51


Life is too short to give a fxxx about everything. Make your choices wisely. Between now and the day you die, pick the stuff that's worth to give a fxxx about. E.g. There are only a handful of people that truly matter in your life: your family, your loved ones and your friends.

Pain is a part of life. Accept it. Face your problems. There will always be problems. The difference is picking the good problems that you enjoy solving.

Happiness is a process of problem solving. "Choose your struggle. You are defined by what you are willing to struggle for. " Enjoy the process. Enjoy the climb.



