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[打卡]阅读打卡第25天 - The life-changing magic of tidying up

2021-10-12 10:09:17

·         Progress: 34

N      Notes:

  Aim for perfection just once: tidying up in 1 fell swoop

·          Your room is cluttered because of the person living in it, you, makes the mess

o   “a messy room equals a messy mind”

o   Your clutters act as distractions, to draw your attention away from your true issue

o   Clean up your room, so you can confront the real issue, & establish the lifestyle you want  

·          Tidying MUST start with discarding, ONLY keep the things you really want and need --> putting things     away in storage only create the illusion that the problem has been solved

·          Tidy by category, not by place: e.g. Clothes today, books tomorrow

o   Coz we tend to store items of the same category in many different locations, then lose track of how much stuff we own, hence can never finish

·          Effective tidying only involves 2 things:

o   1) discard the item

o   2) decide where you want to put it  

·          Make tidying a special event. Tidying only once, and for all.
