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[打卡]阅读打卡第30天 - The life-changing magic of tidying up

2021-12-03 12:27:52
  • Progress: 195


    • ·      Off season items go to the cupboard above the closet stand them up so you can see them
    • ·      Use drawers instead of boxes to store clothes stand them up
    • ·      Bedding to the top space, electrical appliances to the bottom space
    • ·      Store things that can take up floor space in the closet (e.g. suitcases, electrical appliances…etc)
    • ·      Keep soap & shampoos out of the bath, whatever used in the bath should be dried with the towel after use
    • ·      Keep sponges and dish detergent below the sink, keep sponges dry
    • ·      Store spices in the cupboard / long narrow drawer next to the stove if available, everything off the counter
    • ·      Refrain from buying items in bulks, buy only what you need
    • ·      Remove items from the package and remove the price tags right away after buying them the ritual of converting the items from store products to your personal possessions
    • ·      Product seals make your home “noisy”, remove all unnecessary product labels /seals information / words that jump into your line of vision, brain treats them as information to be sorted
    • ·      Possessions that have a place where they belong and where they are returned to every day for a rest are more vibrant and can last longer, just as like we need a home to return to after work everyday
    • ·      Storage is the sacred act of choosing a home for your belongings
    • ·      Say thank you/express gratitude to your belongings for their support and hard work every day treat your items with respect, they will last longer
    • ·      Tidying hones your decision making skills – only keep what truly inspires / brings joy to you

      • ·      Tidying hones your decision making skills – only keep what truly inspires / brings joy to you
      • ·      Realize how much support you receive from the space you live in and the things that surround you
      • ·      There are only 2 reasons why you can’t let something go:

      o   1) attachment to the past

      o   2) fear of the future

      • ·      Get rid of what you don’t need to find what you really need at the moment
      • ·      What you want to own reflects how you want to live your life
      • ·      Tidying changes your mindset: learning that you can do without + hones your decision making skills by deciding what to discard
      • ·      Greet your house when you come home, express your gratitude – “thank you for providing me shelter”
      • ·      Tidying = the act of restoring balance b/n people, their possessions, and the house they live in
      • ·      “everything you own wants to be of use to you”
      • ·      Make parting a ceremony and send your things off on a new journey
      "When you detox your house, it has a detox effect on your body as well"