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[打卡]阅读打卡第31天 (Dec 3, 2021) - The life-changing magic of tidying up

2021-12-04 04:02:14

    Progress: completed.


      • ·      Tidying brings contentment and allows you to focus on what is the most important
      • ·      Arrange your clothes in colour gradient, lighter colours to the front, darker colours to the back brings a calming effect
      • ·      Aim to live in the most natural state as possible everything has its own energy, own only what you need and what brings you joy, use them in a way that most suits their characteristics what brings good fortune
      • ·      “things that are cherished shine” things loved by the owner radiates and grows, stand out in the mass
      • ·      Surround yourself with only things that bring joy in life
      • ·      Tidy in one go, thoroughly and quickly don’t need to tidy every day, tidying is NOT the purpose of life
      • ·      Put your house in order, once and forever the main task is deciding what to keep and what to discard, what brings you joy and what you don’t need
      •      Put your house in order, and find your mission in life.


            Implementation Plan:

      •       Set Dec 19th as my official day of tidying
      •         keep only what I need and throw out / give away all that's not necessary
      •         from this moment on, only buy what I need and what really brings me joy
      •       Refrain from bulk buying, refrain from Black Friday/Boxing Day/ Nov 11th, whatever promotions the sellers want you to spend money on
      •         Always remember: LESS IS MORE
      •       Tidy up and reflect on what you really want to do in life --> Ask yourself: what is your mission in life?



