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2021-12-25 11:12:27

第6天 12.25
The other reason I never lost a rap battle was because I had been raised in the house of Daddio, molded and chiseled by his unrelenting work ethic.

I practiced incessantly.
Unlike the other kids, who were starting to smoke weed and cut class, I spent hours and hours filling notebooks with rhymes every day.

I’d stand in the mirror and practice my verses, making sure my face and my body language were perfectly matched to reinforce and punctuate the punch lines.
I was tightening my delivery and trying to deepen my tone.

Every break between class, and before and after school, I was always looking for some sucker who was slippin’.

I’d battle anybody—in the lunchroom, in the parking lot, at the Tustin Playground or the Beeber schoolyard.

In class, I started having fun with my teachers, rhyming answers back when they called on me.
I’d rhyme to my parents.
I’d answer the phone in rhymes.
A lot of adults pretended they hated it, but I knew they loved it.

Rapping didn’t just win me the approval I desperately craved from my peers; it gave me a sense of power. But I knew it was fleeting; it demanded my constant attention and nurturing. I knew I was good, but I also knew that I had to work.
It wasn’t going to just come to me. I had to go get it.
