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2021-12-28 07:47:32

8 12.27


我们再来看看Jazzy Jeff的状态

Jeff was the first friend I’d ever had who plain and simple outworked me.

1. I think it would be a misrepresentation to say that he “practiced a lot.”

2.It wasn’t that he was practicing—it was that he didn’t do anything else.

3.You’d never catch Jeff in the kitchen or watching TV.

4.You wouldn’t show up at his house and see him walking up the front steps coming back from the store.

5.He didn’t go to the store; I guess wizards don’t do their own shopping.

6.Jeff was standing in front of his turntables fourtteen to eighteen hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

7. It’s literally the only image I can conjure of Jeff in his childhood home.

8.DJ Jazzy Jeff was a hip-hop terminator. He didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep, and he absolutely positively would not stop until you were dead.



用多次否定来加强肯定,从侧面描写直观展现Jazzy Jeff一直以来的表现,他不成功,谁还能成功?
