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2022-01-04 06:55:56


    1)工作 - Goal: to become a clinician

·          继续努力工作,巩固加强各项技能,尤其 clinical assessment skills

·          对常见病达到深入了解并预估医生诊疗方案 e.g. 认知患者症状,先一步采集采全血样,预估 diagnostic     imaging / clinical interventions etc.

·          保持好奇心,警惕理所当然的态度

o   Action plan:

§  watch one 2 mins video / day

§  Research and read on relevant disease / diagnosis

§  Keep up with schooling

·          加强和患者&家属的沟通能力

o   阅读至少5本心理学/谈判/沟通相关书籍,并应用到临床工作中

·          工作中发生的事情留在工作岗位。工作是工作,生活是生活。


·          Complete & pass the critical care practicum

·          Complete the critical care program

·          春季申请Master program。9月开始兼修master program。cGPA 目标:3.7  (postpone, will reconsider after completing the critical care program)

·          阅读目标:每两周一本,一年26 (包括5本心理学/谈判/沟通相关书籍)

        1. Wuthering Heights (Jan 11, 2022)

        2. Atomic Habits (Jan 29, 2022)


·          全面贯彻断舍离:只买自己真正喜欢的&必须的物品。

·          生活越简单越好。

    4 生活

·         生活越简单越好x 2

·          不能邋遢:学习一点妆发技能。衣服3-5套就够了。

·          非夜班日12点前睡觉

·          每天吃蔬菜/水果

·          每周锻炼两次。每次30分钟。




Reflection & Review:

1) Annual Review (Dec 31, 2022):

  • Tally your habits & reflect on your progress
  • 1) what went well this year?
  • 2) what didn't go so well this year?
  • 3) what did I learn?

2) Integrity Report (June 30, 2022):

  • Reflect on your identity & how I can work towards being the type of person I wish to become:
  • 1) what are the core values that drive my life and work?
  • 2) How am I living and working with integrity right now?
  • 3) How can I set a higher standard in the future?

Implementation plan to build new habits:

1. After waking up, I will immediately get up and write my daily To-Do-List

2. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I will make myself a cup of tea/coffee, and read x 30mins

3. After breakfast, I will watch one 2 mins video

    - I will watch one 2 mins video every day

    - I will work on my school assignment / PT work

4. I will put my fruit baskets on my desk and eat 1 fruit per day

5. I will put vegetable first on my plate, and eat 1 vegetable per day

6. I will read x 2 hrs from 7-9pm at my desk on off days

        - I will read 1 page every day

7. I will write my reflections / journal before bed every day

        - I will write 1 line every day

8. I will sleep before 12am

9. I will clean my dishes and empty my sink after dinner every day

10. I will exercise 3 times per week

        - I will put on my jeans after getting up

        - I will walk x 2 mins every day

        - I will do 1 yoga stretch x 2 mins every day 

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