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[打卡]阅读打卡第40天 (Jan 12, 2022) - Atomic Habits

2022-01-13 05:20:51

Progress: 30

Quotes and Summary:

  • both external stimuli and internal emotions influence the formation of our habits
  • get better 1% per day, you are 37 times better after 1 year
  • Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.
  • Positive compounding:

    o   Productivity compounds: the more tasks you can handle without thinking the more your brain is free to focus on other things

    o   Knowledge compounds: commitment to a lifelong learning can be transformative. Each book you read not only teaches you something new but also opens up different ways of thinking about old ideas

    o   Relationship compounds: People reflect your behaviour back to you. The more you help others, the more others want to help you.

  • Breakthrough moments are the result of many previous actions --> which build up the potential required to unleash a major change
  •       To make a meaningful difference, habits need to persist long enough to break the plateau – the plateau of latent potential --> your work is not wasted, it is just being stored
  • Goals are the results you want to achieve, systems are the processes that lead to those results
  •       Forget about your goals, focus on your system

  •       Focus on implementing a system of continuous small improvements --> process is more important than the goals

  • Solve your problems at the system level --> fix the inputs & the outputs will fix themselves 