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[打卡]阅读打卡第41天 (Jan 17, 2022) - Atomic Habits

2022-01-18 11:24:50

Progress: 90

Quotes and Summary:

  • When aiming for changes, focus on the the system (your process) instead of goals
  •     your commitment to your process will determine your progress, goals will come naturally as a result of your progress
  • changes can occur at 3 levels:
  •    1) outcomes = changing your result = what you get
  •    2) processes = changing your habits & systems = what you do
  •    3) identity = changing your beliefs = what you believe --> what we wish to become
  • true behaviour change is identity change --> when an intrinsic motivation makes the behaviour part of your identity
  • change what you do --> repeat x N times --> positive reinforcements --> change who you are
  • "To become a better version of yourself, you must continuously edit your beliefs, and to upgrade and expand your identity"
  • 2 step process:
  •     1) decide the type of person you want to be
  •     2) prove it to yourself with small wins
  • Feedback loop:  Your habits shape your identity, and your identity shapes your habits
  • Habits = mental shortcuts learned from experience --> habits reduces cognitive loads, and free up mental spaces needed for free thinking and creativity
  • Building habits goes through 4 stages:
  •     Problem phase:
  •         1) cue: hint of a reward
  •         2) craving: motivation or desire to change an internal state --> wanting the reward
  •     Solution phase:
  •         3) Response: the habit that you form (a thought or an action) --> to obtain the reward
  •         4) Reward: the end goal of every habit

How to create a Good habit
How to break a Bad habit
The 1st law (Cue)
Make it obvious
Make it invisible
The 2nd law (Craving)
Make it attractive
Make it unattractive
The 3rd law (Response)
Make it easy
Make it difficult
The 4th law (Reward)
Make it satisfying

Make it unsatisfying

The 1st law - Make it Obvious

  • Start your behaviour change with enhancing your awareness
  • Strategy #1: point and call system
  •     verbalize what you intend to do and what are the consequences of your action --> enhanced level of awareness--> makes you less likely to perform a bad habit
  •     ask yourself: does this habit help me become the type of person I wish to be?
  • Strategy #2: Habit Scorecard
  •     1) make a list of your usual habits
  •     2) assign a score to each one: = Neutral habit; + good habit; - bad habit
  • The best way to start a new habit:
  •     1) Implementation Intention: I will [BEHAVIOUR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]
  •     2) Habit Stacking: After I [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]
  • Every habit is context dependent --> you associate your habits to the particular environment
  • What you see affect what you do --> make the cues obvious in your environment to enhance a positive habit (e.g. if you want to eat more fruits & vegetables, put the fruit basket on your desk / middle of your living room)
  • It is easier to form a new habit in a new environment (because you are not fighting your old cues)
  •     e.g. go to a new coffee shop to read / work on your projects    
  • one space, one use (e.g. kitchen for cooking, desk for reading)
  •     redefine or rearrange your current space if you can't manage to find a new environment

Reflections:  Revise the annual plan based on the learning above.
