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[打卡]The best of me4

2022-01-20 07:51:13

the best of me 4
And for the next two decades and beyond, he carried those words and the memories of that night inside him, knowing that she had been speaking for them both.

assume the responsibilities.承担责任

assume the responsibilities.简短的道歉

But it was a problem, because he’d gradually become the kind of man she couldn’t have imagined marrying. She couldn’t count the number of times that she’d cried about it. And talked to him about it, exhorting him to think of the kids. Begged him to attend couples counseling to find a solution, or raged about his selfishness. She’d given him the cold shoulder for days, forced him to sleep in the guest room for weeks, and had prayed fervently to God. Once a year or so, Frank would take her pleas to heart and stop for a while. Then, after a few weeks, he’d have a beer with dinner. Just one. And it wouldn’t be a problem that night. Or maybe even the next time he had one. But he’d opened the door and the demon would enter and the drinking would spiral out of control again. And then she’d find herself asking the same questions she’d asked in the past. Why,
生活如此得重复 不知不觉
