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[打卡]阅读打卡第51天 (Feb 02, 2022) - Flow

2022-02-03 11:46:14

Progress: 33

  • Consciousness is the result of biological processes, however its function is self-directed and independent of its genetic blueprints
  • Author defines Consciousness as a phenomena based on information theory.
  • Information theory: how sensory data are processed, stored, used --> the dynamics of attention & memory
  • Consciousness as "intentionally ordered information" --> we can take actions to direct the course of the specific conscious events (e.g. sensation, feeling, thoughts, intentions)
  • Consciousness = subjective reality ==> our life does not reflect all of what's happening, but a selection of events. Life = a sum of what we have selected to hear, see, fee, hope and suffered from birth to death
  • Our intentions are organized in hierarchies of goals
  • Intention is shaped by our biological needs (e.g. hunger) or by internalized social goals (e.g. to work hard, to live up to other's expectations)
  • Goals are flexible --> e.g. we can override those goals (e.g. people on diet fast even though they experience hunger) --> we have the power to control our subjective reality
  • The capacity of the mind is limited to 7 items simultaneously (e.g. short term memory)
  • the shortest time it takes to discriminate b/n bits of info is ~1/18 of a sec
  • we can only experience 185 million events over our lifetime --> it is extremely important what info we allow into our consciousness --> determines the content & quality of our life
  • Attention is the tool we use during any mental process: retrieval of info from memory storage, bringing it into the awareness, comparing info, evaluating, and deciding
  • Attention is limited
  • Attention is under our control
  • We can allocate our limited attention on productive thoughts or activities to make life either rich or miserable

读这本书简直论文即视感。想起了大学时上的心理课,比如 attention, limits of mental capacity (7-9 items)... etc. 花了一个半小时就读了10页, 要加快速度啊。。 马上要工作+实习+交作业,很快时间要不够用了。希望尽最大努力保持每日阅读的习惯。
